
Looking to connect with the following type of organizations:

  • Community organizations:  That can provide support to our students such as mentoring, emotional, child care and helping to integrate them into the community   Community overview
  • Educational organizations: Have existing education programs that support our effort. 
  • Businesses:  That are looking for new emplyees that are well rounded with a positive attitude and life-skills   who want to support the community.  

Get Started

Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you!

Organization of interest

Support the local community

Help the young adults

Teach life-skills

Business improve productivity and cost saving  

Why you want to partner with us

Project Academy purpose is to make the community a better place to live and to work by providing an environment for our students and young adults learning tools to help integrate into the community.   If your mission fits that we would love to share our thoughts with you. 
Does learning Social and Emotional (SEL) tools help?  Columbia University’s Center for Cost-Benefit Analysis conducted a research study to answer this very question. Researchers performed a cost-benefit analysis on six prominent SEL programs, chosen both because of their wide use in schools and to ensure a diversity of student populations, goals, and outcome measures. Outcomes included higher lifetime earnings, improved health (mental and physical), and reduced juvenile crime. The study found that across all of the interventions analyzed, benefits outweighed the costs of the programs by a ratio of 11:1. This means that for every $1 spent on effective SEL programming, the return on investment is $11 in long-term benefits to students, schools and communities.   by: Meaghan Dunham">Meaghan Dunham | March 16th, 2017
Ownership Mind-Set:  Our approach is to have the young adults see themselves as owners of their own business (themselves) and understand the business & societal needs to better deal with their customer base.  We provide the spirit of ownership in what they do for their customer base ( Their supervisor ) and co-workers.  They understand they have to invest time to improve their skills and understand the organizations business model. 

Data-sheets about our program:

How we help lower cost; improve quality

  • Positive and responsive employees ... Project Academy provides on-going support to your employees
  • Less turnover ... reduces cost of annual salary (30-50 %) for entry level positions
  • Better customer service ... Understand the writing by Mike Hammer (The Agenda) & Dr. Deming 
  • A growing body of research shows that investment in effective SEL programs and assessments pay off not only through improved educational achievement but also with long-term benefits to society such as reductions in violent crime and drug abuse–activities that cost communities a great deal of money. By helping students develop strong social and emotional skills, we are giving them the tools they need to succeed and become productive members of society–and that outcome is priceless.
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